Our role in education and Training

We set standards of education, training, conduct and performance for medical laboratory practitioners in Zimbabwe

Our role in education

We want to make sure that medical laboratory practitioners are consistently educated to a high standard, so that they are able to deliver safe and effective care at the point of entry to the register and throughout their careers. We also want to make sure that patients, service users and the public have a clear understanding of what medical laboratory scientists know and are competent to do.

We are committed to modernise education standards and ensure that medical laboratory practitioners are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to practise now and in the future.

What we do

We set education standards, which shape the content and design of programmes and state the competences of medical laboratory practitioners

We approve education institutions and programmes and maintain a database of approved programmes (courses).

We deliver quality asssurance of our approved programmes.

We register medical laboratory practitioners when they have successfully completed their courses

We assess and ensure the quality of practice placements for students.